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Saturday, October 22, 2011

How to make a dress from an old sweater or shirt!

Ok so I did laundry and put a sweater shirt I have just got...only wore once...in the dryer..it was line dry only...and it fell apart in places...I was MAD!!!! So I decided to make something for my little girls! it started out for the baby but ended up being big enough for the 3 year old lol. AND I am about to teach you how!!!! I am basing this on your knowledge of making a basic dress!

OK! STEP ONE!!! lay out the sweater/shirt and cut the shape of your dress making spots where you will attach the sleaves again later!
Now STEP 2 I went and trimed my sleeves a bit smaller for a child and sewed them back up!

STEP 3 Go ahead and get the pieces you cut off at the bottom to shorten (or from another shirt your choice)I folded them both in half like sides together and sewed each one together and ONE end together.

 See one end is sewn together!
STEP 4! Flip the strips right side out!
Step 5 slip the pieces INSIDE the dress pieces that are LIKE SIDES TOGETHER and pull through where you want them attached. I personally found it easier to sew my sides all the way together and left a small section for them to pull through!

Trim the excess
trim the excess
Step 6! attach sleeves (dress is still right sides together!) I also had to trim my collar up to make it
child size as it was a scoop kneck! AND I added a fabric flower to fancy it up! your done!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Easy to make room paintings!

So when my step daughters mother and I deseded it was time to decorate miss Emmas room we went around the comforter of course! It was a poka dot of tan, brown and pinks. We decided to let Emma and my oldest Lilly help with this project! I got plain White canvasus from my local Jo Anns and simple masking tape and a bowl. We laid the bowl on the canus and trased around it for the outline. We used a ruler and taped down lines and traced then removed the tape! The we handed the girls paint brushes and chose the paint palet to match and came up with some fun room wall decoration! It was so simple and turned out great! And the best part is the big girls got to be apart of it!

The Beginning is always fun!

OK! I have decided after a  little debate with myself that I will start a blog! I LOVE to create things from my own crafty mind and help of random pictures that I find and think, hmm, I bet I could make that and just figure it out! But there are people out there that need help figuring these things out so I figure I can help!
My step Daughters mother and I are really close. She actually just moved 2 blocks away and I love it! BUT she is always working and doesn't have time to craft it up so I have been helping her to decorate a little at a time (budget wise of course!) Here are a few of the little things that I have come up with so far! We painted her bathroom a turquoise color and her daughters room a pink and went from there! The first up is this amazing idea I saw a picture of and put my own twist on it!
The image is kinda off because I used my camera phone but you get the idea! It was so simple I laughed because I was scared at first! All I did was paint the back ground with a turquoise waited for it to dry, painted a tree with fun twisted limbs and let it dry. I did about 2 layers of both colors. then I got buttons from my Jo Ann Fabric store to match. It was a mixture of teal, turquoise, tans, Brown some green and a few wood buttons. I simply hot glues the buttons around the limbs in positions. I opted to lay out all the buttons before I glued them down so I could get the best arrangement! and done! very simple and a great way to create your own piece of art for any room! You can choose from ANY color pallet that suits your decorating need!